Feb. 14, 2005
7:55 p.m.
[Render] [Edit Settings/Render] == Alt-R Alt-R Return and change the "Command Line Options" to include "+FN", you will generate .PNGs, which are losslessly compressed. Much smaller than .BMP (still larger than .JPG), but preserve everything. Using .PNGs will make it easier for your students to take pictures home.
--Scott David Daniels Scott.Daniels@Acm.Org
Thanks Scott. Yes, this is how I have it set up on my boxes. Just didn't get to it in the Win2000 boxes in the classroom. I might mention something about it next week. As far as taking picture home, the students just take the .pov source on floppy or USB dongle, so they can continue working on them. POV-Ray is a free download. They just re-render. Kirby