Quoting Arthur <ajsiegel@optonline.net>:
Glad you found it useful.
Just be aware that it is a pared down distro of pyopengl - includes GL, GLU, GLUT and GLE, but lacks the OpenGL1.2 extensions, demos and docs.
I like small footprint stuff - especially if it's going under under site-packages.
The Numeric distro takes the tack which I think is correct for Windows - the functional compiled stuff is library, and under site-packages, and is one distro; the docs and demos are better placed optionally by the user on his hard-drive, and therefore need to be a separate distro. This doesn't come up so much on Linux, because generally the source distro goes to one's home directory and "setup.py install" puts what is needed as "library" to site-packages, and allowing docs and demos to remain put, and available, "at home".
There would be much more flexibility in doing a single Windows based install using disutils if one knew win32all was installed. Then one can have icons placed, and effect "program files", etc. At that point, disutils becomes much closer to be an full Windows install utility.
ActiveWare has made the decision to include win32all in their Windows distro. I wonder what are the downsides of doing the same for the python.org distro?
Maybe others like small footprint too and don't include optional packages into the core distro ;) Markus