kirby urner schrieb:
I think you're correct that the sieve best works with a pre-specified finite domain:
To continue work in this area one (or at least me) has to have some criteria to judge the solutions. Clearly it was advantageous if there was some consensus about these criteria in the community.
Fortunately, we have hundreds of years of math pedagogy, so in terms of avoiding quarrels, start with what's already on the books are "must have" and just render it Pythonically. ....
There should be some criteria concerning (a) the choice of problems and themes, e.g. to prefer small problems that expose a single idea - or rather not ... etc., as well as some (b) code related criteria, like clarity, conciseness, efficiency, beauty (!) etc., ranked according to their priorities.
This will be up to each professional teacher in whatever walk of life -- to judge what to include and what to exclude. Each teacher will find her or himself in agreement with some, disagreement with others, over what to include. Twas ever thus.
I think it's not that easy. I'd like to dive a bit into this topic, resuming the code examples given in this thread and adding a few additional ideas. What concerns efficiency, I've measured the time to compute the 9592/9593 primes in the range up to 100000 and (in order to get some idea how the algorithm scales) also those up to 500000 (on my machine). Here is your, Kirby's, code: def primes(): sofar = [-1, 2,3] # a running start, -1 proposed by J.H. Conway yield sofar[0] # get these out of the way yield sofar[1] # the only even prime yield sofar[2] # and then 3 candidate = 5 # we'll increment from here on while True: # go forever for factor in sofar[1:]: # skip -1 (or don't use it in the first place) if factor ** 2 > candidate: # did we pass? yield candidate # woo hoo! sofar.append(candidate) # keep the gold break # onward! if not candidate % factor: # oops, no remainder break # this is a composite candidate += 2 # next odd number please Time: 100000: 1.71 s 500000: 42.72 s ----- Michel Paul's code: def primes(): sofar = [-1, 2,3] # a running start, -1 proposed by J.H. Conway yield sofar[0] # get these out of the way yield sofar[1] # the only even prime yield sofar[2] # and then 3 candidate = 5 # we'll increment from here on while True: # go forever for factor in sofar[1:]: # skip -1 (or don't use it in the first place) if factor ** 2 > candidate: # did we pass? yield candidate # woo hoo! sofar.append(candidate) # keep the gold break # onward! if not candidate % factor: # oops, no remainder break # this is a composite candidate += 2 # next odd number please Time: 100000: 1.58 s 500000: 32.25 s ----- I've modified this one slightly, with a surprising effect (I conjecture mainly due to avoiding copying p repeatedly): def primes(): yield(-1) p = [2, 3] for x in p: yield x def is_prime(n): for factor in p: if factor**2 > n: return True if n%factor == 0: return False multiple = 6 while True: for cand in multiple-1, multiple+1: if is_prime(cand): yield cand p.append(cand) multiple += 6 Time: 100000: 0.14 s 500000: 1.05 s ----- Scott Daniels code: def primes(): for x in -1, 2, 3: yield x gen = primes().next for top in iter(gen, 3): pass # skip useless tests (we skip all multiples of 2 or 3) factors = [] # get pump ready for a 5 check = -1 limit = 3 * 3 - 2 # How far will 3 work as top prime? factors = [] while True: check += 6 if check >= limit: # move if this pair needs another factor top = gen() limit = top * top - 2 # limit for both candidates factors.append(top) for element in check, check + 2: for factor in factors: if element % factor == 0: break else: yield element Time: 100000: 0.07 s 500000: 0.50 s ----- Compare the above generators to sieve algorithms: G.L. minimal sieve def primes(n): s = set(range(3,n+1,2)) for m in range(3, int(n**.5)+1, 2): s.difference_update(range(m*m, n+1, 2*m)) return [2]*(2<=n) + sorted(s) Time: 100000: 0.014 s 500000: 0.11 s ----- G.L.: sieve def primes(n): s = set(range(3,n+1,2)) if n >= 2: s.add(2) m=3 while m * m < n: s.difference_update(range(m*m, n+1, 2*m)) m += 2 while m not in s: m += 2 return sorted(s) Time: 100000: 0.012 s 500000: 0.086 s ----- Apparently sieves are considerably faster at the cost that the whole sieve has to be calculated before the primes can be retrieved. Not a disadvantage if you only want to know the n-th prime. So this suggests to make use of the sieve-paradigm also for prime generators. Here is a rather primitive example: G.L. sieve based generator: def primes(): CHUNKSIZE = 5000 # arbitrary even primes = [] yield 2 # first chunk candidates = range(3,CHUNKSIZE,2) chunk = set(candidates) for m in candidates: if m*m > CHUNKSIZE: break chunk.difference_update(range(m*m, CHUNKSIZE, m)) chunk = sorted(list(chunk)) for p in chunk: yield p primes.extend(chunk) lower = CHUNKSIZE # more chunks while True: upper = lower + CHUNKSIZE chunk = set(range(lower+1,upper,2)) for m in primes: if m*m > upper: break chunk.difference_update(range(lower + m - lower%m, upper, m)) chunk = sorted(list(chunk)) for p in chunk: yield p primes.extend(chunk) lower = upper Time: 100000: 0.023 s 500000: 0.113 s ----- Of course there are many more possibilities to realize this, for instance to use slice-assignment instead of sets. This would require some somewhat opaque index calculations, but be - as far as I rember - even faster. Particularly I suppose that there exist faster algorithms for generating primes, but I admittedly don't know them. ====================================================== Summing up: Kirby 1.71 s 42.72 s Michel Paul 1.58 s 32.25 s Michel Paul modified:: 0.14 s 1.05 s Scott Daniels: 0.07 s 0.50 s G.L. minimal sieve: 0.014 s 0.109 s G.L. sieve: 0.012 s 0.086 s G.L. sieve-based generator: 0.023 s 0.113 s (performance depends on CHUNKSIZE) This exposes in my opinion an unsurmountable dilemma, namely that usually you cannot meet even those few criteria mentioned in the beginning in a single solution. So under the aspects you exposed at the beginning of this thread, "Pythonic Math", which title in some sense includes and/or addresses this dilemma, how would you prefer to weight those criteria? Regards Gregor