2011/8/26 Charles Cossé <ccosse@gmail.com>:
Greetings, Kirby, just thought I'd throw-out-there that physics/astronomy can offer a context that is neither meaningless, nor open to political propaganda. Of course anything can be twisted, but at least it's relatively free from the specters that your opponents point out. Just a .02 cent thought .... Cheers, Charles Cosse
Yes sir. Quoting from that very thread (on math-teach): +++ My approach is like John Saxon's "spiraling" in that I'd rather connect a lot of story problems into a consistent framework, in part for mnemonic value.[1] One may work on more than one framework. The focus on food distribution below does not preclude using the solar system and its states of affairs to anchor other stories. Indeed, these scenarios partially overlap. The universe is multi-disciplinary. Geometry + Geography is an organizing heuristic (a first divide, as distinct from the older trivium / quadrivium). +++ http://mathforum.org/kb/message.jspa?messageID=7532037&tstart=0 Thanks for jumping in. Kirby