Hello, this post is a request of a mix of: your help (one half) your scientific experience (one half) i plan to ground my math teaching experience on an inquiry based approach to learning (i think you know definitely better than me what it is). My first inspiration on this topic came the way back in 1994, when i was a high school student and i came accross to Polya approach to math education. (This is the request for your experience) Is there anyone there who is using it in his/her classroom ? Also, i want to support this way of working with extensive programming activities, mainly based on python and python-grounded tools. (This is the request for help) Now, the point is that tons of materials do exist and i do not know how to choose the most reliable and scientifically supported. Is there anyone who can point me to documents, guidelines or whatever resource which implement this way of teaching/learning math ? I thank you very much, again. -- roberto