Isn't PythonWin using scintilla?
Yes it does, but scintilla is only the editor-component. Script-startup isn't performed by the editor-component, but by the embedding application. So SciTE is the text-editor which uses scintilla as it's editor-component. (In fact SciTE was only developed as a demonstration application for scintilla, but has improved so much, that it is a powerful editor now.) Try the following in the interactive window of PythonWin: while 1: pass and PyrthonWin will never ever respond to something again.
I prefer PythonWin to IDLE most of the time.
+++++ object.lookup command line completion pop up menu [YES!!]
can be done to some extend also with SciTE
+++ easy to add new mdules to the PYTHONPATH [which I still do not really understand on win32]
Ever looked at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Python\PythonCore\2.0\PythonPath in the registry?
++ nice color and formatting control
More controllable in SciTE
++ expand/contract code sections using 'Folding' option [free man's Mathematica-style notebook]
Code-folding is a feature of scintilla itself
+ visible indentation guides [see View Menu]
+ configurable 'Tools' Menu
comparable feature available in SciTE
+ zoomable display CTRL + mousewheel
CTRL Num+ in SciTE
+ some Python modules that won't run under IDLE do under PythonWin - some Python modules that won't run under PythonWin do run under IDLE
There is no module that couldn't be run in SciTE. Every script is interruptable by a menu entry. Markus