What about (country level) exams? Maybe you know of listing of exams' problems?

Examples for 

Ru (allows python) https://synergy.ru/edu/ege/ege_2020/informatika/demoversii_i_kimyi/demoversiya_ege_po_informatike_2020

De Bayern (not sure if have coding/practice part) http://www.isb.bayern.de/gymnasium/leistungserhebungen/abiturpruefung-gymnasium/informatik/

2021-04-07, tr 10:01, Jurgis Pralgauskis <jurgis.pralgauskis@gmail.com> rašė:
Hi again :)

we want to promote Python in my small country (Lithuania),
In high-schools we officially have Pascal (for 30years) and C++ (for 10years) now -- as it is accepted in final IT/programming exam (and olymiads).

I know that it is not common to have programming exam, but still if you know some (esp, big) countries commonly using it while teaching - please let know :)


Jurgis Pralgauskis
tel: 8-616 77613;
Don't worry, be happy and make things better ;)