Check out GeoGebra OER community. There will be a US conference this year, and the online resources and groups are good, too.
A lot of my students appreciate geometry through the following lenses:
- Origami
- Computer graphics, especially programming cool visuals for games
- Escher, Dali, and other "surreal" space transformations - we are doing a lot of it in our "Alice in Wonderland" class, hehe.
We watch videos a lot, too.
Mobius transformation:
Bach on Mobius strip:
Maria Droujkova
Make math your own, to make your own math.
I'm teaching high school math to homeschoolers and I'm looking for how to make
geometry year meaningful.
I'm having a "crisis of confidence" because from my viewpoint, algebra was 10x
more useful for future math and science work.
The only thing I can remember that was useful from geometry was a few volume
and area formulas. That can justify maybe a month but not a whole YEAR of
P.S. Yes yes I know that geometry is meant to teach logical reasoning. Maybe
one can get that from chess, debate club and other activities as well if
not better? People also say geometry is where you learn proofs. Couldn't
proofs be just as easily emphasized in all the other math classes?
Christian Seberino, Ph.D.
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