Hi Markus
Many thanks for the heads up on SciTE.
Very interstin & yes I am impressed - it does feels smooth, clean and fast. I like the Save As HTML/RTF/PDF
How do you run python scripts?
by pressing F5 (look into the SciTE docs)
How do you do the object.lookup tricks?
Well, since it is only an Editor (although a very good one), and not a Python IDE, object.lookup is not possible. I wrote "to some extend possible", and that means, that calltips and autocompletion is possible. For example when configured properly, typing string. will pop up a window with all the functions an classes in the stirng module. Typing more e.g. string.split( will show the calltip of the function. This information must be stored in an .api file (as discribed in the SciTE docs), and I have written a little script which generates such an .api file form the standart Python library: stud4.tuwien.ac.at/~e9326522/gen_python_api.zip
How do you navigate between multiple open files. There is no 'Window' menu to jump between open documents.
You must turn on multiple buffers. Have a look into my attached SciTEUser.properties file.
I am probably just being lazy and nee to read the dosc adn study configs for a while.
In deed. But you can save some time by using parts of the attached file. It changes also the colors to be more IDLE like.
There has been a growing demand for a smart I toolkit for Zope. looks liek SciTE could be a very nice part of that, using wxPython/Boa. It's proabbly already in there..
Have you any experience embeding and scripting SciTE in python apps?
No. And once again: SciTE is the Text Editor. SciTE, T=text E=editor. scintilla is the editor-component, and you definitely want to embed scintilla into your application. Please make this distinction. Enjoy, Markus