Good question.

Depends *a lot* on the curriculum.

If students are just being introduced to the idea of an REPL (read evaluate print loop) then 
showing off more than one IDE at the outset might prove enlightening.

Show & Tell:  Python with vim in Linux shell.

Show & Tell:  Python with IDLE with Akbar font (one of my faves)

Show & Tell:  Python with PyDev module (still being improved) in Eclipse.

The last one is what I end up using with students these days, but I've mostly used IDLE in other classrooms.


On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:23 AM, ray spiering <> wrote:
Good morning,
I am trying to use/teach Python 3.0 in a classroom environment.
Should I use the shell that was part of the download, or one of the
improved shells that I read about on the web?

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