And I am afraid, there is one more *fact* I would like on the record. I went to the considerable trouble of creating, for Bruces benefit,a proto-type implementation, fully configured, with Inno Installer, of a stand-alone VPython in a runtime Python environment. In other words, an environment that Bruce could feel free to customize to his heart's content for whatever perceived needs of himself, his students, other people's students, etc. and etc. - without disturbing, in viral ways, anybody else's existing Python installation. And no instructions necessary. Didn't talk about it. Did it. Took time. Without grant funding. And while there was definite interest in this approach, based on clear comments from other professors on the list, Bruce never pursued it. To the extent that I have no reason to believe he even bothered to download what I had made available, to see what it did, and how it did it. Not to mention why. For the record. Art