On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 10:09 PM, Gregor Lingl <gregor.lingl@aon.at> wrote:
also i'll try to differentiate the ways for my students using Sugar TurtleArt as a start-up (and ongoing) tool and your Turtle module as an ongoing one for more experienced guys;
it will take me some time but i'll contribute everything may help others in the field
Hi Roberto,
did you already arrive at some results/conclusions concerning the use of turtle.py?
Hi Gregor, thank you for your mail; actually, as stated above, i'd start with TurtleArt as a first and ongoing tool for programming; the second step will involve turtle.py for more proficient guys; my schedule is delayed because of technical problem with turte art, as you can already see in sugar list and because of other minor issues in my computer room at school; anyway i'll collect everything down in a wiki, jointly started with students and (hopefully) other colleagues; i don't know how much time it will take to make everything ready, but i'll post it here as soon as it is done keep posted -- roberto