Hi, Kirby. On Sun, 6 May 2001, Kirby Urner wrote:
For example, Poly knows how to coerce a Fraction into becoming a polynomial of degree 0, but Fraction shouldn't ever try to change a polynomial into a Fraction. So when it comes to a Fraction * a Poly, it's the Poly version of * that takes precedence over the Fraction version -- but only because I type check, e.g.
def __mul__(self,n): if type(n).__name__=='instance': if n.__class__.__name__ == "Poly": print "Fraction -> Poly" return n.__mul__(self) if n.__class__.__name__ == "Matrix": print "Fraction -> Fraction" return n.__mul__(self)
f = self.mkfract(n) return Fraction(self.numer*f.numer, self.denom*f.denom)
Python has a built-in function "isinstance" to help you do this. In addition, my personal preference would be to simply use * instead of calling __mul__ explicitly, although that's more of a style issue. Anyway here's what i would write: class Fraction: ... def __mul__(self, n): if isinstance(n, Poly) or isinstance(n, Matrix): return n * self f = self.mkfract(n) return Fraction(self.numer * f.numer, self.denom * f.denom) Very nice work, by the way! -- ?!ng