Hello, There exists a low cost tool, called expEYES <http://expeyes.in/>, to learn science by experiments developed in Python. Real time measurements are done in Python with the help of external hardware (also open source, available<http://expeyes.in/hardware-availability>commercially). Users manual <http://expeyes.in/sites/default/files/Documents/eyesj-a4.pdf> & programmers manua<http://expeyes.in/sites/default/files/Documents/eyesj-progman.pdf> l. Also there is a GFDLd book on Python <http://expeyes.in/python-programming>available, along with acode browser<http://expeyes.in/sites/default/files/debs/learn-by-coding-1.0.1.deb>program. Ajith -- Dr. Ajith Kumar B.P. Scientist SH Inter-University Accelerator Centre Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi 110067 www.iuac.res.in Ph: (off) 91 11 26893955 (Ext.230) (res)91 11 26897867 (mob) 91 9868150852