kirby urner wrote:
On 8/23/07, Jeff Rush <jeff@taupro.com> wrote:
Kirby, I've seen your posts re building up a reusable set of data for teaching before, and I think it is a good idea. Where are you collecting and making this information available? It seems like a single project under source control would allow others to utilize and contribute to such a stockpile, piece by piece.
I'm more just into upholding edu-sig's reputation as a source of great ideas. Rich Data Structures & Streams, you saw it here first.
I was afraid of that. ;-( It would make a valuable resource. The world has more than enough great ideas -- but a severe shortage of those who adopt them, refine them and bring them into fruition. I see this here, from the community as a whole, on edu-sig and we've seen it for the past five years on the various advocacy lists. An issue gets raised, ideas flow in, and nothing happens. Sometime later the same is raised again and many of the same ideas come in. And truly good ideas languish because those rare, precious people with a tendency to step forward already have a (over) full slate and cannot take on any more while the rest consider ideas their sole contribution. It is the birthing and raising not the conception that takes more effort - ask any parent. I've just been frustrated lately across several spheres of life with how very hard it is to get people, in general, to get involved, to take on meaningful projects even those they agree are valuable. The explanation eludes me and keeps me awake at night and I ask those I meet from other walks of life why. ---- Be careful. If you wave your hands around wildly like that for too long, you're likely to fly up into the air and bump your head against the ceiling.