Jupyter notebooks are great. I like to use ide.cs50.io or sagecell.sagemath.org.
Be well,

On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 Juliano <julianofischer@gmail.com> wrote:

I really believe Jupyter Notebook is amazing for teaching.

Juliano Fischer Naves

Em qua., 7 de abr. de 2021 às 12:44, A. Jorge Garcia via Edu-sig <edu-sig@python.org> escreveu:

Hi everyone,
I've used IDLE and VIDLE but pico or nano is really all you need!
Be well,
A. Jorge Garcia
Applied Math & CS
Nassau Community College

On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 Wickes, Elizabeth <wickes1@illinois.edu> wrote:

I’ve used PyCharm Education edition for many years, which is free.  I like the education edition because it has a lot of tools etc. to take them far if they want to keep going on their own, but is relatively quiet as an IDE.  You write the code and then press the big green play button to make it run. Terminal and console also built in, so it has served really well.




From: Jurgis Pralgauskis <jurgis.pralgauskis@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 1:58 AM
To: "edu-sig@python.org" <edu-sig@python.org>
Subject: [Edu-sig] IDE for teaching?




what IDE do you use for 10-12 graders or usiversity  101 courses?


my ideas:

- Thonny

- VsCode

- PyCharm



Jurgis Pralgauskis
tel: 8-616 77613;
Don't worry, be happy and make things better ;)

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