Actually, Kirby, I was calling for the creation of a new SIG. There are two very different kinds of discussions that can fall under the heading of an Educational Special Interest Group. One is the kind of more theoretical discussions that generally take place here, and the other concerns the more concrete, practical issues of classroom teachers about finding and using instructional materials and planning lessons. While there are undoubtedly many folks who would want to be on both lists, there are many others who might not. As someone working on an introductory textbook using Python, I get mail from people interested in the book who write me and ask where they can go to get more resources. There are enough of these inquiries coming in now that I think it would be appropriate to create a new list to help this emerging community of teachers using Python to grow. jeff On Tue, 2001-08-28 at 12:12, Kirby Urner wrote:
At 11:06 AM 8/28/2001 -0400, Jeffrey Elkner wrote:
I think Tim has an excellent idea here. Actually, a web page and a new interest group / mailing list would be even better. There is enough interest developing that the level of traffic will warrent a new group/list.
Seems a new official SIG type list would best be spawned if/when traffic *did* get to that level and was a lot of it not clearly edu-sig related. Seems for now that volume is rather low, and the proposed discussion branch is what edu-sig is supposed to be about, in part, no? But maybe this wasn't a proposal for a new SIG. Could be a Yahoo group or something.