OK, my talk is behind me. I'll give myself a pat on the back for getting through all 30 slides, plus doing four demos, within the allotted hour, with time for questions (there was only one question). I forgot to visit Sloane's On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences though. I was going to enter 1,12,42,92,162 and show how the resulting page links back to one of mind. Oh well. Plus I've lost my fleece (the sweater I wore this morning, and shed in some room...). My demos: 1. POV-Ray animation of Maira kicking a soccer ball (generated from a spreadsheet sent me by a physicist at the University of Nebraska); 2. my rational number type doing a continued fraction ([1,1,1,1,1,1...]); 3. totatives of n generating multiplication and addition tables; 4. the VPython hypertoon. The audience was pretty small (15? more?), as they tend to be on a sunny day after two marathon days of talks. They guy from CERN was there. A Swedish student drew up alongside later, to say he really liked what I had to say. I severely jet lagged. I'm sitting in a big conference room waiting for a keynote address, just barely keeping my eyes open. The Zope stuff is really big here this year, gets the biggest audiences. Next year, Europython will be at CERN in Switzerland. Kirby -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web.com/ .