Nicola writes:
Interesting in this vein is the work being done by Steve Talbott with NetFuture and other organizations:
Some more connect-the-dots: """ NetFuture is a freely distributed newsletter dealing with technology and human responsibility. It is published by The Nature Institute, 169 Route 21C, Ghent NY 12075 (tel: 518-672-0116). """ Ghent NY rang a bell. Search revels that it is the home of the Rudolf Steiner Library. Steiner is the founder of Anthroposophical movement, which provides the philosophical underpinnings of the Waldorf education movement, which I referenced earlier in these discussions. Because of their strong stance in regard to the use of computers in early childhood education. And it is pretty well clear to me that The Nature Institute, which publishes NetFuture, is either Waldorf related or Waldorf influenced. See: """ Our Fall, 2003 program - three lectures and a workshop: on a human-centered understanding of illness, a Goethean understanding of science, and a nature-centered understanding of language. """ And refer back to my cite in the Education Arcade thread: """ The Waldorf School movement, with which I have no affiliation or particular interest, has an aggressive perspective on this kind of thing. """ And you will there see prominent mention of Goetheanism. I don't know what Goetheanism is. I make this clear and direct link between and the Waldorfian movement only as a point of information I spy. Art