i've been tasked by my department head (computer application department) to identify computer subjects that can be given to math majors (bachelor's degree) in our small university... we are currently in a transition phase (because of the change in the curriculum... these are my thoughts... comp 101 -- basic computer concepts/information technology (this is an intro to computers with wordprocessing and basic spreadsheet) comp 102 -- computer programming I (finally, i was able to convince my department head to "embrace" python) comp 103 -- computer programming II (what do you think about this??? -- i'm thinking of including vpython and/or pygeo here...) can you comment on these (esp. comp 102 and 103)?? and can you please give me some resources/links where i can pattern the syllabus of the said subjects??? thanks... ali ps... we can ask for an inclusion of another math/computer subject (possibly comp 104)... what other math/python topics can i include??? ------------------------------------------------- Email Service Provided by SLU-Net Saint Louis University ( http://www.slu.edu.ph ) -------------------------------------------------