pedagogically very good approach and technologically, seems very simple :) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <> Date: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 10:36 PM Subject: From Scratch to Real Python Code with our New Block Trinket! To: Hi Jurgis! I'm very excited to announce our new *Interactive Block Trinkets*: <> Inspired by Scratch <> and <>'s Hour of Code <>, these Trinkets take typing and syntax out of the equation of teaching and learning Python. But unlike previous block-based tools, *they're generating real Python underneath*! This lets students move into the world of real programming languages and bring their computational thinking skills along. <>
From the tests we've done with teachers and students, seeing the relationship between familiar blocks and unfamiliar code helps demystify code and accelerates the learning process. We can't wait to see what you do with this new too! Get Started with Blocks Today
Click Here <> to see the example above, which you can easily share or copy it to your account! Or, if you're feeling creative, here's how easy it is to make your own: - Log in to Trinket <>, click the New Trinket Button, and select *Blocks *as your Trinket type - Grab blocks from the palette to build your Trinket - Click Save and you've made your Trinket! Now share a link or embed the Trinket anywhere, such as Google Sites <> - Click the *View Code* button at any time to see what Python the blocks have generated In the coming weeks we'll be building a tighter integration with our popular Python trinkets. This will be a true end-to-end solution for getting students who know Scratch or other block-based languages hands on with real Python code. As always, I'd love to see what you create with these! Create or modify a Block trinket and reply to this email with the link. We'll feature the best Trinkets on our blog. - Elliott CEO, Trinket @hauspoor <> (919) 308-6681 <> * <>* from 17 Oct 2014 Powered by Intercom <> Unsubscribe from our emails <> -- Jurgis Pralgauskis tel: 8-616 77613; Don't worry, be happy and make things better ;)