My whimsical title relates to the conflation of two notions: cows in a morphogenetic field, and the spread of computer languages. As more and more people learn Python, does it get easier to learn? That would seem an obvious "no" unless you believe in magic, but then think about it: more people learning it means more people who know Python and can write books, or already know how to make TV. It's the overlap in skill sets that spreads it, not spooky "action at a distance." The cow part comes for the story about those bars across ditches, aimed at scaring cows from trying to get through the gate. They were eventually so effective that baby cows would "just know", even if not shown the consequences (the adults already knew too). Lets see what my CropCircle Tractor can dig up on this... Bingo. "Is this because calves learn from older cattle that they should not try to cross? Apparently not." Feel free text search in the article below to this well known meme (be the 100th monkey to do so and win a prize!): http://www.noetic.org/noetic/issue-four-november-2010/morphic-fields-and-mor... Hey, I'm not saying I don't believe in a Noosphere (what they called it at Princeton). Kirby
participants (1)
kirby urner