New CopyrightX StackExchange Community (off-topic?)

Hi All, For anyone that sees this post as off-topic, I offer my apologies, but I kind-of feel like the subject of copyright is relevant to pretty much everything on The Internet, and especially germane to programming and education, so after thinking about it, I decided to post here. I'm one of 500 students from all over the world enrolled in a free Harvard Law School class taught through the auspices of the initiative. I feel very lucky to be participating in this course, and I've learned more about copyright in the last 3 weeks than in the previous 10 years I think. Amazing course! I've become so enthusiastic about the course and the subject that I'm trying to raise awareness about a (SE) community that I just proposed yesterday and that I hope will ultimately attract many of my fellow students and other interested people from all over the world. I may be suffering from a bit of naivety, but I'm optimistic that this CopyrightX SE community might someday evolve to be a serious influence on copyright reform throughout the world. If anyone is interested, please consider following the community on SE by going here: <> and clicking the orange "Follow It!" button. Maybe even contribute a few example questions. Thanks and again, my apologies to anyone who perceives this as spam. -Kevin
participants (1)