Kirby wrote:
There may be a better way to write the factory function than I've shown below. I'd like to see other solutions:
def makepoly(A,B,C): """ Build a polynomial function from coefficients """ return eval("lambda x: %s*x**2 + %s*x + %s" % (A,B,C))
How about this? class poly: def __init__(self, A, B, C): self.A, self.B, self.C = A, B, C def __call__(self, x): return self.A * x**2 + self.B * x + self.C
f = poly(2,3,4) f(10) 234
Having to know about classes pushes you more into learning Python as a programming language rather than just using Python as a math exploration tool, but that could be a good thing. You could even expand on the idea by adding additional methods that relate to polynomials (deriv, integral, roots, etc.): class poly: ... def deriv(self, x): return 2*self.A*x + self.B
f.deriv(2) 11

Kirby wrote:
There may be a better way to write the factory function than I've shown below. I'd like to see other solutions:
def makepoly(A,B,C): """ Build a polynomial function from coefficients """ return eval("lambda x: %s*x**2 + %s*x + %s" % (A,B,C))
How about this?
class poly: def __init__(self, A, B, C): self.A, self.B, self.C = A, B, C def __call__(self, x): return self.A * x**2 + self.B * x + self.C
f = poly(2,3,4) f(10) 234
I like it! Kirby

I elaborated on Brent's excellent suggestion for a post to k12.ed.math (which you can check via http://www.mathforum.com/epigone/k12.ed.math/ ). The Poly objects are in play:
f = Poly([2,3,4]) f Polynomial: 2*x**2 + 3*x + 4 f(10) 234 f.degree 2 f.deriv() Polynomial: 4*x + 3 df = f.deriv() df(10) 43 g = Poly([-1,0,0,2]) g Polynomial: -1*x**3 + 2 g(-1) 3 dg = g.deriv() dg Polynomial: -3*x**2 dg(-1) -3

Kirby Urner writes:
The Poly objects are in play:
f = Poly([2,3,4]) f Polynomial: 2*x**2 + 3*x + 4 f(10) 234 f.degree 2 f.deriv() Polynomial: 4*x + 3 df = f.deriv() df(10) 43 g = Poly([-1,0,0,2]) g Polynomial: -1*x**3 + 2 g(-1) 3 dg = g.deriv() dg Polynomial: -3*x**2 dg(-1) -3
Could this be extended to a symbolic math implementation? At least, could you implement compose, add, subtract, multiply, and divide methods so that f.compose(g) f.add(g) would work? -- Seth David Schoen <schoen@loyalty.org> | And do not say, I will study when I Temp. http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | have leisure; for perhaps you will down: http://www.loyalty.org/ (CAF) | not have leisure. -- Pirke Avot 2:5

Could this be extended to a symbolic math implementation? At least, could you implement compose, add, subtract, multiply, and divide methods so that f.compose(g) f.add(g) would work? -- Seth David Schoen <schoen@loyalty.org> | And do not say, I will study when I Temp. http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | have leisure; for perhaps you will down: http://www.loyalty.org/ (CAF) | not have leisure. -- Pirke Avot 2:5 ============ Sure. Compose was already implied in Brent's class, since f(10) returns a number, and therefore so does g(f(10)) and g(f(10)). Using operator overriding, we can actually use + - and * for addition, subtraction and multiplication (I haven't done divide): Definition and Representation:
f = Poly([1,2,3]) f x**2 + 2*x + 3 g = Poly([2,3,4,5]) g 2*x**3 + 3*x**2 + 4*x + 5
-f -x**2 - 2*x - 3
f-g -2*x**3 - 2*x**2 - 2*x - 2
g(10) 2345 f(10) 123
f(g(10)) 5503718 g(f(10)) 3767618
f*g 2*x**5 + 7*x**4 + 16*x**3 + 22*x**2 + 22*x + 15 g*f 2*x**5 + 7*x**4 + 16*x**3 + 22*x**2 + 22*x + 15
Evaluation and Multiplication:
x = -1 eval(str(g*f)) 4 h=g*f h(-1) 4
Negation and Multiplication:
-f*g -2*x**5 - 7*x**4 - 16*x**3 - 22*x**2 - 22*x - 15
h 2*x**5 + 7*x**4 + 16*x**3 + 22*x**2 + 22*x + 15 h.deriv() 10*x**4 + 28*x**3 + 48*x**2 + 44*x + 22
I'm pretty sure all of the above is correct. I've put the code I have so far at: http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/polynomial.py (Python source) http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/polynomial.html (colorized HTML) Maybe we can improve/streamline the implementation somewhat -- and I wouldn't be surprised if someone, somewhere has implemented something very similar already. The hardest part was getting the algebraic strings to look pretty. Kirby

I've put the code I have so far at:
http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/polynomial.py (Python source) http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/polynomial.html (colorized HTML)
Sorry, goofed the URLs: http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/python/polynomial.py (Python source) http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/python/polynomial.html (colorized HTML) Kirby

One change I've already made to the Polynomial code (and uploaded): compute the string version only once, upon initialization, and then have __call__ simply evaluate that string, like this: def __init__(self, coeffs): self.coeffs = [] # ... skip some lines self.strview = self.express() # <-- new def __call__(self,x): return eval(self.strview) # short! def __repr__(self): return self.strview # no need to recompute def express(self): """ Represent self as an algebraic expression """ ... Kirby

Kirby Urner writes:
Could this be extended to a symbolic math implementation? At least, could you implement compose, add, subtract, multiply, and divide methods so that
f.compose(g) f.add(g)
would work?
-- Seth David Schoen <schoen@loyalty.org> | And do not say, I will study when I Temp. http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | have leisure; for perhaps you will down: http://www.loyalty.org/ (CAF) | not have leisure. -- Pirke Avot 2:5
Compose was already implied in Brent's class, since f(10) returns a number, and therefore so does g(f(10)) and g(f(10)).
I was interested in having a polynomial returned explicitly, not just making a function that would have the same effect as composition. You could say I was hoping for a closed form. To implement that, I guess you'd want an exponentiation operator for polynomials (implement __pow__).
Using operator overriding, we can actually use + - and * for addition, subtraction and multiplication (I haven't done divide):
Definition and Representation:
f = Poly([1,2,3]) f x**2 + 2*x + 3 g = Poly([2,3,4,5]) g 2*x**3 + 3*x**2 + 4*x + 5
-f -x**2 - 2*x - 3
f-g -2*x**3 - 2*x**2 - 2*x - 2
g(10) 2345 f(10) 123
f(g(10)) 5503718 g(f(10)) 3767618
f*g 2*x**5 + 7*x**4 + 16*x**3 + 22*x**2 + 22*x + 15 g*f 2*x**5 + 7*x**4 + 16*x**3 + 22*x**2 + 22*x + 15
Evaluation and Multiplication:
x = -1 eval(str(g*f)) 4 h=g*f h(-1) 4
Negation and Multiplication:
-f*g -2*x**5 - 7*x**4 - 16*x**3 - 22*x**2 - 22*x - 15
h 2*x**5 + 7*x**4 + 16*x**3 + 22*x**2 + 22*x + 15 h.deriv() 10*x**4 + 28*x**3 + 48*x**2 + 44*x + 22
I'm pretty sure all of the above is correct.
I've put the code I have so far at:
http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/polynomial.py (Python source) http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/polynomial.html (colorized HTML)
Very nice. I need to upgrade to get -=, +=, and list comprehensions in my interepreter. (It was easy to use map instead of the list comprehension, but the list comprehension is easier to read.) I quickly noticed that you can't multiply a Poly by an integer, or add or subtract an integer. I think one approach would be to throw an if type(other)==type(3): other = Poly([other]) at the start of __add__ and __mul__. That worked for me, so that I could multiply a Poly by an integer or add or subtract an integer. You also might want to define __rmul__, __rsub__, and __radd__ in terms of __mul__, __sub__, and __add__ (polynomial multiplication and addition being commutative). -- Seth David Schoen <schoen@loyalty.org> | And do not say, I will study when I Temp. http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | have leisure; for perhaps you will down: http://www.loyalty.org/ (CAF) | not have leisure. -- Pirke Avot 2:5

Seth David Schoen writes:
Kirby Urner writes:
Could this be extended to a symbolic math implementation? At least, could you implement compose, add, subtract, multiply, and divide methods so that
f.compose(g) f.add(g)
would work?
Compose was already implied in Brent's class, since f(10) returns a number, and therefore so does g(f(10)) and g(f(10)).
I was interested in having a polynomial returned explicitly, not just making a function that would have the same effect as composition. You could say I was hoping for a closed form.
To implement that, I guess you'd want an exponentiation operator for polynomials (implement __pow__).
I quickly noticed that you can't multiply a Poly by an integer, or add or subtract an integer. I think one approach would be to throw an
if type(other)==type(3): other = Poly([other])
at the start of __add__ and __mul__. That worked for me, so that I could multiply a Poly by an integer or add or subtract an integer.
You also might want to define __rmul__, __rsub__, and __radd__ in terms of __mul__, __sub__, and __add__ (polynomial multiplication and addition being commutative).
OK, I implemented __pow__, compose, __rmul__, __rsub__, and __radd__. The implementation of __pow__ does not take advantage of the binomial theorem or its higher-order generalizations, mostly because I don't know the higher-order generalizations. I also did the type check thing so that integer constants are automatically converted to polynomials where appropriate. That means it would be possible to implement __neg__ as "return self * -1". (This version gets rid of list comprehensions, +=, and -=, so it will run under 1.5.2.) http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/polynomial.py
q = Poly([1,1]) q x + 1 q ** 2 x**2 + 2*x + 1 q ** 3 x**3 + 3*x**2 + 3*x + 1 q - 1 x 1 - q -x q * 2 2*x + 2 2 * q 2*x + 2
It seems that it would be helpful to store the coefficients in reverse order. Then you could do for exponent in range(len(self.coeffs)): coeff = self.coeffs[exponent] # Some code that uses exponent and coeff goes here rather than counting down. -- Seth David Schoen <schoen@loyalty.org> | And do not say, I will study when I Temp. http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | have leisure; for perhaps you will down: http://www.loyalty.org/ (CAF) | not have leisure. -- Pirke Avot 2:5

OK, I implemented __pow__, compose, __rmul__, __rsub__, and __radd__. The implementation of __pow__ does not take advantage of the binomial theorem or its higher-order generalizations, mostly because I don't know the higher-order generalizations.
Great. I'd done a __pow__ earlier, but I like yours better. I also make sure the exponent is non-negative, as we're not promising to handle that kind of algebra here.
I also did the type check thing so that integer constants are automatically converted to polynomials where appropriate. That means it would be possible to implement __neg__ as "return self * -1".
This is good -- I've incorporated it.
(This version gets rid of list comprehensions, +=, and -=, so it will run under 1.5.2.)
My most recent at: http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/python/polynomial.html or same w/ .py extension for cut and paste source. Note that for commutative ops like __add__ and __mul__, you can just go __radd__ = __add__ and __rmul__ = __mul__ to create equivalent definitions. Only subtraction needs to be handled differently, because arg order matters. Also, once your enhancements are added, you really don't need a separate compose method (which is very cool). Just pass a polynomial as your "value of x" in the already-defined call method:
from polynomial import * f = Poly([1,-3,2]) g = Poly([1,3,0]) f x**2 - 3*x + 2 g x**2 + 3*x f(g) # <--- symbolic composition x**4 + 6*x**3 + 6*x**2 - 9*x + 2 g(f) # <--- symbolic composition x**4 - 6*x**3 + 16*x**2 - 21*x + 10 f(g(10)) # <--- or you can do numeric evaluation 16512 g(f(10)) 5400
I've put your name in lights in my program's marquee. Kirby

The Poly class in polynomial.py has been streamlined and enchanced a bit, if anyone following this thread is curious: http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/python/polynomial.html or .py for cut and pastable source Thanks to Brian Harvey on k12.ed.math for sharing his good ideas ( http://www.mathforum.com/epigone/k12.ed.math/blunpharthah ) Kirby
participants (3)
Brent Burley
Kirby Urner
Seth David Schoen