Hi folks, This is just an announcement for my own bit of "throwaway" code: a primitive turtle-drawing program called Kutia. I wanted a logo-like environment for introducing my daughter Mina (age 4) to programming. The idea was that you could move the turtle with buttons, or click the field to have it chase the mouse-clicks, or enter text commands. Each control method should be interlinked, so when the turtle chases the mouse, the commands it uses are entered in the command window, which would be editable. I have not implemented the command window yet, and the buttons don't seem very useful when you have direct manipulation of the turtle. In fact I think I can get rid of the penup/pendown buttons once I allow the turtle to be dragged directly. Anyway, it's pretty fun and ready for some comments. http://delza.alliances.org/archive/ Two classes in one file, notes and demo data at the top. It's more complicated right now than it needs to be, I'm still cleaning up the code which is there while I add additional functionality. There are a lot of methods which don't get used: I tried animating the rotation of the turtle but it was too slow, there is support for buttons to move forward, turn right/left, but I've removed the buttons based on usability testing. This is different from "adaptable interfaces" because the interface is not designed to change: direct manipulation is always available, as is the command window (when implemented). This allows the learner to switch back and forth at will between the two methods for ease of exploration. Also, when I say Logo-like, I'm using the term pretty loosly. I've never really used Logo, just read about it. Caveat emptor or something. And despite my .sig, this isn't a BT product, just a personal project. --Dethe Dethe Elza Chief Mad Scientist Burning Tiger Technologies
participants (1)
Dethe Elza