for the list, I want to learn python and write a few things. Even willing later to help people learn it. Tried banging my poor head against perl for a spell, all I got was camel cooties... -- Respectfully, -Kirk D Bailey (C)2001 Addme! icq #27840081 end My Sites: http://www.howlermonkey.net/ - free REAL email! list service soon! http://www.sacredelectron.org/ - Rants! Spleenvents! http://www.minorfish.org/ - The list server for some of us!

On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Kirk Bailey wrote:
for the list, I want to learn python and write a few things. Even willing later to help people learn it. Tried banging my poor head against perl for a spell, all I got was camel cooties...
Hi Kirk, Welcome! There's a section on Python.org for newcomers to the Python language: http://python.org/doc/Newbies.html and it has quite a few tutorials there that you can look at. The Edu-sig mailing list is for educational issues, such as school curricula and the Computer Programming For Everyone (CP4E) project; it might not be the best place to ask "newbie" questions on Python. Instead, you may find the Tutor mailing list a good place to ask questions: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor Best of wishes to you.
participants (2)
Danny Yoo
Kirk Bailey