re: Numarray, Python and the Universe

Terry -
I'm confused by what you meant there. Are you saying you're not aware of python as a scientific programming language? It's pretty popular, actually.
Really nothing more than that this and other projects for which numeric/numarray is an important component are, to me, exciting beyond most other real world applications of Python of which I am aware. The relevance to edu-sig, is that I think Python can by all rights consider itself to be a important educational tool in connection with scientific related curricula, beyond computer science itself. And that, of its own accord, things are likely to be moving in this direction. And that more general awareness of the projects you list would be a good thing. For example, Michael McLay - in trying to put together a major funding proposal related to Python and education - admits to being largely unaware of this entire aspect of Python in the real world. Whereas, to me, it is the lead article. Art
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