Re: Edu-sig digest, Vol 1 #526 - 1 msg

First, let me say that I haven't actually downloaded and tried pyKarel yet, my comment is based strictly on the screenshots at the website. From those screenshots, it appears that users of the system are inputting *Karel* commands to make the robot perform certain activities. However, I would much rather see users inputting *Python* commands to make the robot perform those activities. Karel is designed to introduce programming concepts to beginning users, yet I would much rather those users be learning Python instead of Karel, which would have to be unlearned if and when they got to Python proper. Perhaps pyKarel could be repurposed to 'pyBot' or something similar that taught the same programming concepts using the Python language? Nevertheless, admirable job by the students! John Miller On Tuesday, June 11, 2002, at 12:00 PM, wrote:
Hi All, [snip] The most telling result of these efforts is the release of a Python implementation of Karel the Robot, with a graphical interface written in wxPython by Yorktown student programmers Donald Oellerich and Wassem Daher. This project would not have been finished on time (and I should add, under budget ;-) if it were not for Michele's generous help.
The Project now has a sourceforge site at:
participants (1)
John Miller