Fwd: PyCon 2009 - Call for proposals

(Apologies to Ivan for sending him a message directly rather than to the list which I meant to do. André) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Andre Roberge <andre.roberge@gmail.com> Date: 2008/9/26 Subject: Re: [Edu-sig] PyCon 2009 - Call for proposals To: Ivan Krstić <krstic@solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 9:13 PM, Ivan Krstić <krstic@solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> wrote:
Hi folks,
PyCon '09 will be opening for talk proposals shortly; see below. We'd love to have some great talks on Python in education, so please don't be shy!
Ivan Krstić Chair, PyCon 2009 Program Committee
Rising up to Ivan's challenge... After missing last year's Pycon, I have been hoping of going this year, and talk about Crunchy. There are many aspects I could cover and was wondering what people would be most interested in. For example: 1. using Crunchy's doctest feature as a teaching tool. (including an experimental "exam mode" soon to be incorporated in Crunchy's trunk). 2. using Crunchy's unittest feature as a teaching tool. (unittest mode was implemented this summer as part of Google SoC) 3. using the "code analyzer" feature to provide feedback to students. (again from this summer's SoC; using pylint or pyflakes or pychecker). 4. using the simple interface to pdb (soon to be incorporated in the trunk) 5. using a mini-language environment (Karel the robot/rur-ple) 6. using the Croquant (a MoinMoin extension) and Crunchy in combination to create educational resources. etc. I could give a talk that would be a survey of all that's available in Crunchy (version 1.0 should be out before the new year) or go in depth on a couple of topics. Alternatively, I could go and give an in-depth look as how to write a simple (and a not-so-simple) plugin for Crunchy, extending its capabilities... Any comment/suggestions/things you'd like to see? André P.S. For those that understand French, Florian Birée gave a presentation that included many of the new features of Crunchy (some of which where mentioned above) at Toulouse France; this presentation (55 minutes) has been recorded on video and is available at http://toulibre.org/Videos (2nd from the bottom).
participants (1)
Andre Roberge