Regarding Logo, there's an esoteric genre of Logo where the turtle swims in a 3D tank, has roll, pitch and yaw type parameters, more like a small airplane. I'm pretty sure we had open source free versions. Lemme go check: ... found some links. Anyone recommend a 3D Logo page? My approach was to write turtle like commands that would parse into static instructions in ray tracing language, so you didn't see any output by the turtle in real time. Very low budget (zero). The L-systems paper I wrote captures some of the flavor: http://www.4dsolutions.net/ocn/lsystems.html (lotsa broken links) http://www.4dsolutions.net/ocn/numeracy3.html (scroll down for fractal tree) These days I'm interested in 3D/4D Logo because of the Mite, Syte and Kite discussion.** These are space-filling shapes, with the Mite being a center- piece of some of my Saturday Academy classes in so-called Martian Math (wherein Python gets used): http://wikieducator.org/Martian_Math http://www.flickr.com/photos/17157315@N00/sets/72157622961425831/ Also, I'm anchoring for Holden Web while Steve sojourns at Pycon / Singapore, which is starting today. http://pycon.sit.rp.sg/ Holden Web is part of an OST group developing curriculum for intermediate Python students (beginner already on-line). The interface is Ellipse, a student version of Eclipse. Steve is the curriculum writer, packs a lot in. Here's a screen shot from earlier today: http://www.flickr.com/photos/17157315@N00/4686547486/sizes/l/in/photostream/ Python1 module comes with a 2.x version of Python in a Nutshell (Martelli). I need to go find a 3.x version, suggest OST use that instead, given course content. This is state of the art, meaning Python 3.1, with all the related challenges of finding drivers and adapters. I'm glad for that PEP moratorium, giving library maintainers more of a chance to keep up. On another front, I've been helping my friend in Indonesia with his wxPython + Visual connection. The wx GUI is to set parameters only, with VPython hosting its own window (embedding the latter in the former is a trick I've not seen done yet -- they say use PyOpenGL). Some kind of physics problem (he's in a technical college). On yet another front (or more on the polyhedra front), MIT's ConceptNet is ready for business with Python bindings. You'll find a huge database of words associated with other words -- not the same as a thesaurus, more like "free association" semantic webs of olden days. They kind of goof on "tetrahedron" though, suggesting it's a polygon and/or "sides" must all be the same (both assertions false): http://www.flickr.com/photos/17157315@N00/4680326861/in/photostream/ http://csc.media.mit.edu/docs/conceptnet/overview.html Saw some action on Diversity, with mention of edu-sig. Maybe someone wants to report (some overlap in foci & concerns). Kirby ** (explaining my cryptic nomenclature more): Mite (minimum space-filler) = AAB (plane nets on-line) http://www.flickr.com/photos/17157315@N00/4676742214/ http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synergetics/s09/figs/f5400b.html Sytes = Mite + Mite http://www.flickr.com/photos/17157315@N00/4679491702/in/photostream/ Kites = Syte + Syte http://www.flickr.com/photos/17157315@N00/4678858801/in/photostream/ OST = O'Reilly School of Technology
participants (1)
kirby urner