ApacheCon: it's about a lot more than Apache webserver

http://projects.apache.org/ (FYI) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Steve Holden <steve@holdenweb.com> Date: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 3:03 PM Subject: Time to make a noise ... We'd appreciate your help in creating a little more buzz about ApacheCon NA. It turns out that another major West coast big data/cloud conference has been scheduled on exactly the same days as ApacheCon, reducing the anticipated effects of our marketing and PR efforts. On the plus side, this other conference is highly likely to sell out, and when it does the Apache community can be standing by with a welcoming smile on its face. So we may pick up late registrations. At the moment, however, numbers are lower than anticipated, which is where you come in. The really effective way to get the word out is via community channels. The life blood of any conference is the people who pay to go through the doors. The existing community members get a chance to meet old friends and work together. There will also be people who maybe work with your code every day but would not think of themselves as committer material (they probably think of existing committers are rock stars). So the people who know you by your professional reputation are exactly the people who might attend ApacheCon. If they know you are going, they are more likely to go. If you have blogs or other web presences and want to help publicize the conference, banner graphics are available at http://holdenweb.com/acna13gfx/ Please remind any relevant mailing lists you belong to that ApacheCon is coming (33 days to go at the time of writing) and that if they don't register soon they run the risk of losing the 30% discount we negotiated on the hotel room rate. Steve Holden steve@holdenweb.com +1 571 484 6266 @holdenweb -- Python classes (and much more) through the web http://oreillyschool.com/ Conferences and technical event management at http://theopenbastion.com/ Next event: ApacheCon NA 2013: Feb 26-28 http://na.apachecon.com/ Community events: Barcamp Feb 24 Hackathon Feb 25 Development Mar 1/2
participants (1)
kirby urner