Hi all! I've created a rur-ple video demo, similar to the one that was made for patapata. It is currently available from the usual place: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=125834 Note that you will need 7zip, also available from sourceforge, to decompress it. The original video file (.avi) is ... 500 Mb. I compressed it to a zip file which reduced it to 100 Mb ... but that was still way too big. After sending it to Ian from ShowMeDo.com (who had initially contacted me suggesting that I made such a video), he pointed out that 7zip could compress files much better. After trying a few options, I managed to compress it down to 5 Mb! The video should appear on ShowMeDo within a week or so, in quicktime format I believe. This was very much a "let's do it, more or less improvised" kind of production, but it should give the flavour of rur-ple (for those that have never tried it). It also made me realise that I need a better microphone :-( André
Looking forward to the ShowMeDo version if it runs in a web browser? Presumably it it be somewhere here? http://showmedo.com/videos/python Interesting site with a bunch of Python videos. Love to see the link when it is up. Making the video seems like half the battle, but, no offense, making it run when viewing a web page (from Flash? Or Quicktime?) is probably the other half. (Easy for me to say, given I never tried it myself, or even know where to start. :-) There is also the more general "YouTube" site. My wife recently sent me this link from there: "Multi-Touch Interaction Research" http://youtube.com/watch?v=0l29zW4_W5E Amazing images of the future (R&D of today) of touch-based computing! I assume that is all working software and hardware they are demonstrating? Something else for me to think about for PataPata (which means "touch, touch" in Xhosa and related South Africa area languages, think "pat pat"). After Francois' video, I'm really seeing the power of a few minute video to present enough of an idea to motivate you to download it and explore it on your own. Of course, when I did work in robotics years ago, everyone made videos -- but usually because something always went wrong when you demonstrated it live. :-) Still, having seen something work, even briefly, I think you can be more motivated to push through all the install and configuration issues. Screenshots do a lot, but they can't convey a certain level of interaction easily. So, another thing to consider for video design is whether to do a walk through tutorial, or do one like the link above on "Multi-Touch Interaction Research" which is just skipping through short examples with a music soundtrack. Of course, doing at least one of each might be ideal. Hey, maybe if I could import your RUR-PLE components into PataPata somehow, we could do one video about both? :-) Anyway, something to think about down the road when/if I can start raiding other projects (respectfully :-) for great code and ideas (PythonCard is on my list too. :-) By the way, on microphones, having worked in a speech recognition group long ago, quality microphones as well as proper microphone positioning do make a huge difference, and I would suggest a wearable headset, such as for example something by Andrea, http://www.andreaelectronics.com/Buy/headsets.htm http://www.andreaelectronics.com/Buy/ProductDesc/NC91.htm for the best quality sound (almost any manufacturer's ~US$30 headset microphone will probably be good enough though). In watching movies, it seems people are much more forgiving of poor video quality then poor sound quality, strangely enough. Perhaps humans are used to seeing images obscured by things like leaves and tall grass or dust or haze, whereas sounds are almost always crisp. For tips and tests on microphone positioning, you can use one of the speech recognition packages. You might find an old boxed package somewhere cheap you could use just for the microphone positioning feedback, and they often come with good enough microphones. But if you do it on your own, perhaps some of the speech recognition advice might be useful? Which is to position the headset microphone boom receiver part far enough away and a little to one side of your mouth so that you capture the speech sound well enough without getting too much general breathing and too many air puffs on various specific words. So, if you are already using a headset microphone and you are not happy with the sound quality, you could try just positioning what you have differently too, and see how that works for you. All the best. --Paul Fernhout Andre Roberge wrote:
participants (2)
Andre Roberge
Paul D. Fernhout