In the open-source spirit of "release early", PyKata is now ready!! The website development will be finished ... real soon :>) Anyone who would like to contribute an exercise is now welcome. If you contributed to the old PyWhip website, you might want to copy your contribution over to PyKata. (Sorry we couldn't do this with Google App Engine. Looks like they are rushing ahead with new features for end users, and leaving us developers with a few headaches - like not being able to rename a project, or even clone an old one to the new name!!) That said, I am very pleased with App Engine. This is the infrastructure we need when we get to thousands of users. I've uploaded a draft of a new help file - bitsNbytes.py (at http://pykata.appspot.com/help). This topic is not the most important right now (we should be filling in the basic topics first), but I'm working with a class in cryptography, and we do a lot of bit-level manipulations. What I would like is some comments and suggestions. The examples in this file will be what we expand on with exercises and more helpful text. Have I chosen the right examples? Do I have the best way to do it in each example? Unlike other areas where we often have a clear best choice, working with bits and bytes in Python seems to have a bewildering collection of ways to do it, and not a clear winner. -- Dave ************************************************************ * * David MacQuigg, PhD email: macquigg at ece.arizona.edu * * * Research Associate phone: USA 520-721-4583 * * * * ECE Department, University of Arizona * * * * 9320 East Mikelyn Lane * * * * http://purl.net/macquigg Tucson, Arizona 85710 * ************************************************************ *

This is very cool. Just want to make sure everyone is aware that the service formerly known as JavaBat is now CodingBat and supports Python: http://codingbat.com/ That being said, I think PyKata has several very compelling features. It might be worth seeing if Nick Parlante would consider collaboration of some sort? On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 4:42 PM, David MacQuigg <macquigg@ece.arizona.edu> wrote:
In the open-source spirit of "release early", PyKata is now ready!! The website development will be finished ... real soon :>) Anyone who would like to contribute an exercise is now welcome. If you contributed to the old PyWhip website, you might want to copy your contribution over to PyKata. (Sorry we couldn't do this with Google App Engine. Looks like they are rushing ahead with new features for end users, and leaving us developers with a few headaches - like not being able to rename a project, or even clone an old one to the new name!!) That said, I am very pleased with App Engine. This is the infrastructure we need when we get to thousands of users.
I've uploaded a draft of a new help file - bitsNbytes.py (at http://pykata.appspot.com/help). This topic is not the most important right now (we should be filling in the basic topics first), but I'm working with a class in cryptography, and we do a lot of bit-level manipulations. What I would like is some comments and suggestions. The examples in this file will be what we expand on with exercises and more helpful text. Have I chosen the right examples? Do I have the best way to do it in each example? Unlike other areas where we often have a clear best choice, working with bits and bytes in Python seems to have a bewildering collection of ways to do it, and not a clear winner.
-- Dave
************************************************************ * * David MacQuigg, PhD email: macquigg at ece.arizona.edu * * * Research Associate phone: USA 520-721-4583 * * * * ECE Department, University of Arizona * * * * 9320 East Mikelyn Lane * * * * http://purl.net/macquigg Tucson, Arizona 85710 * ************************************************************ *
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participants (2)
David MacQuigg
Helene Martin