Teaching and Learning with Jupyter

Looks like good stuff here: Teaching and Learning with Jupyter *Lorena A. Barba, Lecia J. Barker, Douglas S. Blank, Jed Brown, Allen B. Downey, Timothy George, Lindsey J. Heagy, Kyle T. Mandli, Jason K. Moore, David Lippert, Kyle E. Niemeyer, Ryan R. Watkins, Richard H. West, Elizabeth Wickes, Carol Willing, and Michael Zingale* *2019-12-06* *https://jupyter4edu.github.io/jupyter-edu-book/ <https://jupyter4edu.github.io/jupyter-edu-book/> * Keep smiling! Perry On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 12:00 PM <edu-sig-request@python.org> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Python and... ? (kirby urner)
participants (1)
Perry Grossman