Re: [Edu-sig] teaching python using turtle module

Re: teaching python using turtle module Posted by: "Pavel Boytchev" elicateam To: Tue Dec 1, 2009 9:39 am (PST) Daniel Ajoy wrote:
On Tue, 01 Dec 2009 06:00:01 -0500, <> wrote:
examples which use turtle with conditional structures (if- and while- statements)
Here is one with IF and WHILE: 1. draw a box 2. put a turtle inside, set random heading 3. move the turtle forward until it reaches a box's side 4. then the turtle bounces like a ball and continues to move 5. stop after 5 bounces ------------------------ Another one with WHILE: 1. two turtles are on a circle and move along it with different speeds 2. animate the chase until one of the turtle reaches the other ------------------------ Another one with IF: 1. draw the snowflake fractal 2. but when you draw recursively, draw either to the left of the current segment, or to the right ------------------------ Another one with WHILE and IF: 1. Use a turtle and the Monte-Carlo method to calculate pi with given precision ------------------------ With IF: 1. draw a Pythagorean tree until branches become smaller than 1 pixel ------------------------ Pavel
participants (1)
Daniel Ajoy