Before learning, how to Make Minecraft in Python, let’s see what is Minecraft Game. Minecraft is a popular video game that is enjoyed by many enthusiasts. It is a 3D block game in which players may interact with and manipulate the environment. It also has a story mode and is an adventure game. Minecraft is a voxel-based game. And what this truly implies is that every single block in Minecraft is a voxel. So these are the things we must make ourselves. So let’s get right to work on our coding. Step 1. Modules and libraries for Make Minecraft in Python To make this Minecraft game in Python, we will utilize the ursina Python module. It is a Python cross-platform game creation package similar to PyGame. To install this library, start a terminal or command prompt in the project folder and paste the following command. pip install ursina Step 2. importing library Import the Ursina Engine and all the Textures that we will require in the future. from ursina import * from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController app = Ursina() grass_texture = load_texture('assets/grass_block.png') stone_texture = load_texture('assets/stone_block.png') brick_texture = load_texture('assets/brick_block.png') dirt_texture = load_texture('assets/dirt_block.png') sky_texture = load_texture('assets/skybox.png') arm_texture = load_texture('assets/arm_texture.png') punch_sound = Audio('assets/punch_sound',loop = False, autoplay = False) block_pick = 1 To load the textures and block you need to download the Assets folder and paste it where your Minecraft code Python file is stored. Now there are a few things we need to do to make this all work, and let’s start by making actual cubes that we can utilize. This will be the most significant modification that we can do. It would appear appropriate if we applied a more appropriate texture to it. To do that we created a couple of textures. Step 3. Making Voxel(Cubes) for Minecraft in Python class Voxel(Button): def __init__(self, position = (0,0,0), texture = grass_texture): super().__init__( parent = scene, position = position, model = 'assets/block', origin_y = 0.5, texture = texture, color = color.color(0,0,random.uniform(0.9,1)), scale = 0.5) The third step is to build a new class for each voxel that we want to construct, therefore the class name will be voxel. And it derives from the button class. The basic explanation is that anytime I click on a voxel, I want to make another voxel just adjacent to it. So I need to know where each voxel is in relation to which button. And in here, we need our init method again and nothing else for the time being, and we also need the super method with an underscore to init. And now we must supply a few parameters, the first of which is parent, as shown above. The next stage would be to find a position, and the current status is (0,0). Next, I’d want to make a model of what the object would look like. And for the time being, this one will be a cube (parameters), but we may use different forms. The next step is to pass origin_y so that the height and 3D space of this cube are effectively (0.5), and the final and most crucial item is texture and color. And both of these things multiplied. Step 4. Making Minecraft Arena for z in range(20): for x in range(20): voxel = Voxel(position = (x,0,z)) Now that we have everything, we need to create a button for it. The cube’s current positions are x, y, and z. (0,0,0). To create individual voxels, we must first create a for loop in which the voxel is set. And if you need to make it bigger, increase 35 by 35. One of the current issues with this game is that if you add too many of these fields, the game may slow down. As a result, there would be a significant amount of optimization work to be done. Step 5. Creating First person Controller(FPC) from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController player = FirstPersonController() The question is how we can develop a first-person character in all of this. and ursina makes this super simple. Because it comes with a number of preset classes that we may utilize to construct a first-person character. We don’t really have to do anything about it. And really, all we have to do is import something else first, which is from ursina. prefabs.first_person_ controller. This is not by default imported into Oceana, so we have to do it ourselves, but once we do it, all we have to do to create FPC (First Person Character) is to create a new variable where we store and then call FPC. Step 6. Making Interactive UI for Minecraft Python Edition def input(self,key): if self.hovered: if key == 'left mouse down': if block_pick == 1: voxel = Voxel(position = self.position + mouse.normal, texture = grass_texture) if block_pick == 2: voxel = Voxel(position = self.position + mouse.normal, texture = stone_texture) if block_pick == 3: voxel = Voxel(position = self.position + mouse.normal, texture = brick_texture) if block_pick == 4: voxel = Voxel(position = self.position + mouse.normal, texture = dirt_texture) if key == 'right mouse down': destroy(self) What we need to find out now is how to make this all more interactive. We must also create and destroy blocks, which will be really simple. Basically I have written some of these code on my project also. Because what we want to accomplish is, when you push the voxel button, we want to construct a new block at that location. We develop an input function to do this. Make some transmissions as well. And then make a to change voxel for voxel texture Step 7. Changing Different Textures for Coding Minecraft in Python def update(): global block_pick if held_keys['left mouse'] or held_keys['right mouse']: else: hand.passive() if held_keys['1']: block_pick = 1 if held_keys['2']: block_pick = 2 if held_keys['3']: block_pick = 3 if held_keys['4']: block_pick = 4 To make Minecraft with python, we need to change the cube texture, and for changing the cube texture here we created a loop by clicking one to four keys to alter the voxel texture by Left click and destroying it with the right key. In simple words. If we press any of these buttons this block pick gets a different number. Step 8. Creating the Sky class Sky(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__( parent = scene, model = 'sphere', texture = sky_texture, scale = 150, double_sided = True) There are three other components that can significantly help to convey the game. The first is a Sky Box, the second is a Hand, and the third is noises. And let us take them one step at a time in Minecraft coding Python. The first is a skybox, which we emulated in our game by creating a huge sphere with a sky texture. To do this, we will construct a new class named Sky. Step 9. Make an FPC Hand class Hand(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__( parent = camera.ui, # This 3D space for Our UI and 2D space for our camera model = 'assets/arm', texture = arm_texture, scale = 0.2, rotation = Vec3(150,-10,0), #vec3 is represent 3D space and the parameters are for position(x,y,z) position = Vec2(0.4,-0.6)) #vec2 is represent 2D space and the parameters are for position(x,y,z) def active(self): self.position = Vec2(0.3,-0.5) def passive(self): self.position = Vec2(0.4,-0.6) Now the next thing we will going to need is a hand and this one is purely decorative. It does not do anything besides simulating having a hand it’s a straightforward thing by creating a class called hand, this one is also going to be an entity. Complete code to Make Minecraft Game in Python from ursina import * from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController app = Ursina() grass_texture = load_texture('assets/grass_block.png') stone_texture = load_texture('assets/stone_block.png') brick_texture = load_texture('assets/brick_block.png') dirt_texture = load_texture('assets/dirt_block.png') sky_texture = load_texture('assets/skybox.png') arm_texture = load_texture('assets/arm_texture.png') punch_sound = Audio('assets/punch_sound',loop = False, autoplay = False) block_pick = 1 window.fps_counter.enabled = False #To Disable the FPS Counter window.exit_button.visible = False #To Remove the exit(close) Button def update(): global block_pick if held_keys['left mouse'] or held_keys['right mouse']: else: hand.passive() if held_keys['1']: block_pick = 1 if held_keys['2']: block_pick = 2 if held_keys['3']: block_pick = 3 if held_keys['4']: block_pick = 4 class Voxel(Button): def __init__(self, position = (0,0,0), texture = grass_texture): super().__init__( parent = scene, position = position, model = 'assets/block', origin_y = 0.5, texture = texture, color = color.color(0,0,random.uniform(0.9,1)), scale = 0.5) def input(self,key): if self.hovered: if key == 'left mouse down': if block_pick == 1: voxel = Voxel(position = self.position + mouse.normal, texture = grass_texture) if block_pick == 2: voxel = Voxel(position = self.position + mouse.normal, texture = stone_texture) if block_pick == 3: voxel = Voxel(position = self.position + mouse.normal, texture = brick_texture) if block_pick == 4: voxel = Voxel(position = self.position + mouse.normal, texture = dirt_texture) if key == 'right mouse down': destroy(self) class Sky(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__( parent = scene, model = 'sphere', texture = sky_texture, scale = 150, double_sided = True) class Hand(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__( parent = camera.ui, model = 'assets/arm', texture = arm_texture, scale = 0.2, rotation = Vec3(150,-10,0), position = Vec2(0.4,-0.6)) def active(self): self.position = Vec2(0.3,-0.5) def passive(self): self.position = Vec2(0.4,-0.6) for z in range(20): for x in range(20): voxel = Voxel(position = (x,0,z)) player = FirstPersonController() sky = Sky() hand = Hand()
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Cabal Owen