Re: [Edu-sig] Learn to Program in Ten Years

In a message of Sun, 26 Dec 2004 19:10:57 PST, "Kirby Urner" writes: <many good things>
That being said, I'm not against keeping some things secret or under wraps, until ready for prime time. I still believe in wrapping presents, letting things cook, season and so on. Immature technologies abound. The patent office is overflowing with ideas that went nowhere (some deservedly).
One thing that is not that well understood is that the patent system destroys the business models of those companies that rely on trade secrets as well as those that rely on openness. If your whole strategy is based on 'I know how to do this, you don't, and I'm not telling' then a patent infringement lawsuit is disastrous for you. It is nearly impossible to prove that you are not infringing without revealing what it is that you are doing. Plus some companies launch lawsuits they are convinced they will loose. They figure it is worth it to keep their competitors busy in court. This is less of a problem places where loser pays winner's attorney's fees, but not unheard of there. <snip>
Like, we have all we need to make the world a better place for everyone, and yet here we are, screwing up, day after day. Too slow. Let's pick up the pace here, shall we?
Well said. Laura
participants (1)
Laura Creighton