exhibit: teacher to students, pre-class email, Silicon Forest May, 2022
From: Sunshine Elite Education Date: Sun, May 8, 2022 at 12:07 PM Subject: Data Structure and Algorithms in Python: Sunday May 8: Pre Class Prim's Algorithm Greetings guys -- In the old days of purely paper textbooks, adding to them or changing them was hard and only happened from one edition to the next, with maybe years in between. Today, those of us using Jupyter Notebooks within a version control system for textbooks, likely have the ability to update them often. We now think in terms of an electronic textbook that has the ability to change continuously through frequent new "versions" (instread of through relatively infrequent "editions"). Along those lines... At https://github.com/4dsolutions/elite_school I have expanded ADS_sandbox_6.ipynb with new material regarding Prim's algorithm for finding the least costly spanning tree within a graph. Here's a Youtube I cite and include screenshots from: https://youtu.be/Uj47dxYPow8 Prim's Algorithm: Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) 371,043 views Jun 23, 2016 EducateYourself <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC10JldFF3n7mRSGX6QfrQAA> 2.07K subscribers Short example of Prim's Algorithm, graph is from "Cormen" book. Another resource I recently added, a new link from our textbook: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/5-best-books-for-competitive-programming/ Might these be books from your library if you see CP in your future? Are any of them online? Maybe you already have some data structure and algorithms books you would like to recommend and/or share about. I've included a few recommendations of my own e.g. Math Adventures with Python for example. I show a picture of its author, in front of my house. See you at 6 pm. Kirby *Course Name*: Data Structure and Algorithms in Python *Datetime*: 01/29-06/19 Wednesday,Sunday 6:00pm-7:00pm *Location*: Online10 Thanks, Sunshine Elite Education ------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
kirby urner