Speaking of "math through programming", just wanted to share some of my latest results from exploring Python + LiveGraphics3D and Python + Povray. LiveGraphics3D is a Java applet by Martin Kraus, free for non- commercial purposes, that takes Mathematica graphics files (.m extension) and presents them in a web-interactive context, complete with mouse-controlled zoom, rotate, and a stereo viewing option (you have to cross or splay your eyes to see the stereo -- a learned skill). I've taught my polyhedra to display themselves in .m format, via a lg3d.py module, so now I can provide browsers with interactive views such as found at: http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/lvmviews.html For a long time, I've been using the Python + Povray synergy to generate colorful polyhedra, mostly in wireframe. But one should remember that Povray is a sophisticated rendering engine with a lot more to it. With a little spit and polish ("search and replace" in the Povray editor), simple cartoony renderings may be transformed into more expensive-looking sculptures, as here: http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/concavedodeca.html This gets us into the realm of "math + art" -- always a fertile realm (good book: 'Connections: The Geometric Bridge Between Art and Science' by Jay Kappraff -- which is just coming out in a 2nd edition this month, April 2001). Kirby

From: "Kirby Urner" <pdx4d@teleport.com>
I've taught my polyhedra to display themselves in .m format, via a lg3d.py module, so now I can provide browsers with interactive views such as found at:
Kirby This is great news! I would love to see and try your lg3d.py module. Is it posted anywhere? I have been a big fan of Mathematica used with Martin Kraus's terrific LiveGraphics3D applet for several years. It keeps getting better. It loads quickly and is very fast and repsonsive. It is capable of nice animation -> [see examples on his site ] and has some lovely 'hide/reveal' features using alternate keys + mouse buttons to remove elements dynamically from a model display Wolfram, though touting it off a little, have been reluctant as always to quickly take this ball and run with it. Which is perhaps just as well since Martin Kraus is freer to keep doing his 'thing' unencumbered. I suggest you put these mouse interaction hotkeys info close at hand on your own page: user action applet reaction dragging (left mouse button pressed) rotating about an axis in the picture releasing left mouse button while dragging spinning about an axis in the picture SHIFT key pressed plus vertical dragging zooming SHIFT key pressed plus horizontal dragging rotating about an axis perpendicular to the picture CONTROL key pressed plus vertical dragging changing focal length CONTROL key pressed plus horizontal dragging changing strength of stereo effect META (ALT) key (or right mouse button) pressed plus vertical dragging stripping parts of the graphics "o" key printing parameter settings to the Java console (aka Java messages window) "s" key toggling between single picture, stereo pictures for diverge fusing and stereo pictures for cross fusing HOME key restoring original perspective (no spinning) <quoted from the Docs at http://wwwvis.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/%7Ekraus/LiveGraphics3D/documentat ion.html > - Jason ___________________________________________________________ Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']

At 03:31 PM 4/18/2001 -0400, you wrote:
From: "Kirby Urner" <pdx4d@teleport.com>
I've taught my polyhedra to display themselves in .m format, via a lg3d.py module, so now I can provide browsers with interactive views such as found at:
This is great news!
I would love to see and try your lg3d.py module. Is it posted anywhere?
Jason -- I've bundled lg3d.py inside of python101.zip, which is linked from each of my 'Numeracy + Computer Literacy' pages e.g. http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/numeracy0.html -- this zip also contains vrml.py. Both lg3d.py and vrml.py are designed to mimic the interface exported by povray.py, and that's pretty well documented in numeracy1.html -- except that I'm in the process of upgrading povray.py slightly to make it easier to use textures. All of these modules work in complement with coords.py, which contains my general vector classes, e.g. they all give you shaft(v), edge(v1,v2), point(v), and face(vlist), where v,v1,v2 are vectors and vlist is a list of vectors. * shaft(v) draws from the origin to vector tip v, * edge(v1,v2) draws an edge between the tips of v1 and v2, * point(v) draws a sphere at the tip of v, and * face(vlist) makes a polygon going around the points defined by the vectors in vlist (which should all be coplanar). The above methods all belong to whatever output object you've chosen, i.e. some povray or LiveGraphics3D object. So, for example, you could do something like this:
import povray, coords, lg3d myfile = povray.Povray("coolgraphic.pov") # instantiate povray object v1 = coords.Vector((1,0,0)) # define a vector v2 = coords.Vector((-3,3,0)) # ...and another myfile.edge(v1,v2) # use vectors to make an edge myfile.close() # close the povray file
You would now have a file called "coolgraphic.pov" on your disk ready for rendering in povray, and containing the information for displaying an edge running from (1,0,0) to (-3,3,0). You could have instantiated the Povray object with more parameters (e.g. background color), but just a filename is sufficient. Or, you might have gone:
myfile = lg3d.Lg3d("coolgraphic.m") v1 = coords.Vector((1,0,0)) v2 = coords.Vector((-3,3,0)) myfile.edge(v1,v2) myfile.close()
...which is essentially the same thing, except you've made myfile an Lg3d object vs. a Povray object -- same methods, but you're creating "coolgraphic.m" on your disk, suitable for embedding as the INPUT_FILE in the applet HTML for LiveGraphics3D. My process for creating the various polyhedra at my website, in LG3D, Povray or VRML formats, is to use the above technology under a Polyhedron or Shape class which pre-assigns all the critical vertex information to vectors, and lists faces as tuples. For example, my Cube class looks like this: class Cube(Shape): """ Labels of Numbers of Shape Volume Vertices Vertices, Edges, Faces --------------------------------------------------------- Duo-tet Cube 3 A-H 8 12 6 """ faces = [('A','H','C','F'),('A','H','B','G'),('B','E','C','H'), ('B','E','D','G'),('D','G','A','F'),('C','E','D','F')] sphcolor = cylcolor = "Green" def __init__(self): Shape.__init__(self) self.volume = 3.0 You can see that 'A' must be the name of some vector, which in this case is actually stored in the module itself as a global variable. That's the entire cube class definition, as all the code for translating, scaling and rotating is in the superclass, i.e. part of Shape's definition (from which Cube inherits). Note: I don't explicitly give the edges, as these are implied in the faces list, i.e. I have code that builds a list of vertex-pairs (edges) from a face-tuple such that ('A','H','C','F') nets me ('A','H'),('H','C'),('C','F'),('F','A') -- just traveling around the perimeter. Of doing all the faces this way nets you each edge twice, so I need to screen for duplications as I build my edges list. The method looks like this: def getedges(self): """Extract edges from the faces list. Face lists contain consecutive vertices, so build and edge list by taking pairs, with the last vertex connecting back to the first. Use sort() to assure each edge is specified uniquely """ edges = [] # locally scoped for face in self.faces: # e.g. ['A','B','C'] for j in range(len(face)): candidate = [face[j],face[j-1]] candidate.sort() # assure uniqueness if not tuple(candidate) in edges: edges.append(tuple(candidate)) # add if new self.edges = edges Anyway, that's the kind of stuff I'm doing on the back end. Kirby

From: "Kirby Urner" <pdx4d@teleport.com>
Jason -- I've bundled lg3d.py inside of python101.zip, which is linked from each of my 'Numeracy + Computer Literacy' pages e.g. http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/numeracy0.html -- this zip also contains vrml.py. <... snip lovely intro tutorial +links...>
Kirby Thank you very much.. wow. so much to explore and so many components coming together :-) Very exciting times we live in.. philosophy, concept, tools, simulation, realization Here'e another log for the global digital fireside. [Just posted this morning to the CHI-WEB list]: http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/RealTime/JTrack/3D/JTrack3D.html So two topics I have in mind: 1. A timseries version of the above do the above using python101 tools [need to sort out the NASA datasets and write an Earth Model with orbits where one acn vary the graviation params and demo why/what/how geostationary orbits work] .. any thoughts about this. 2. How to make lg3d more interactive so now coudl browse & query the datapoints? VRML can obviously do this, but lg3d is so snappy it makes me happy! - Jason

Thank you very much.. wow. so much to explore and so many components coming together :-) Very exciting times we live in.. philosophy, concept, tools, simulation, realization
Thanks Jason. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/math-learn/message/552 is a very recent post to math-learn which introduces some of the same ideas (writing to math teachers, who are mostly chatting about the TI-XX GC -- but there's always hope. This post in turn links to a new web page: http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/mygraphs.html -- shows source code for doing the LiveGraphics displayed. Now I'm going to check some of these URLs you've been tossing out.
2. How to make lg3d more interactive so now coudl browse & query the datapoints?
I saw from that star system page that you can label the lg3d points. This could be handy. I need to figure out how to add labels. Kirby

Searching on Google for 'lg3d' I come across some nice sites: http://www.jps.net/tau/rodpack/rptroctm.htm http://www.geocities.com/a_thompson.geo/model/ - Jason ___________________________________________________________ Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']
participants (2)
Jason Cunliffe
Kirby Urner