computer courses to math majors...

i've been tasked by my department head (computer application department) to identify computer subjects that can be given to math majors (bachelor's degree) in our small university... we are currently in a transition phase (because of the change in the curriculum... these are my thoughts... comp 101 -- basic computer concepts/information technology (this is an intro to computers with wordprocessing and basic spreadsheet) comp 102 -- computer programming I (finally, i was able to convince my department head to "embrace" python) comp 103 -- computer programming II (what do you think about this??? -- i'm thinking of including vpython and/or pygeo here...) can you comment on these (esp. comp 102 and 103)?? and can you please give me some resources/links where i can pattern the syllabus of the said subjects??? thanks... ali ps... we can ask for an inclusion of another math/computer subject (possibly comp 104)... what other math/python topics can i include??? ------------------------------------------------- Email Service Provided by SLU-Net Saint Louis University ( ) -------------------------------------------------
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