Hello all, We are excited to announce a new release of DIPY: DIPY 1.6.0 is out from the oven! In addition, registration for the oceanic DIPY workshop 2023 (April 24-28) is now open! Our comprehensive program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to master the latest techniques and tools in structural and diffusion imaging. An intense hands-on experience in Santa Monica, Los Angeles! See the exquisite program here <https://dipy.org/workshops/dipy-workshop-2023#Schedule> for this highly anticipated event <https://dipy.org/workshops/dipy-workshop-2023>. DIPY 1.6.0 (Monday, 16 January 2023) The release 1.6.0 received contributions from 22 developers (the full release notes are at: https://dipy.org/documentation/1.6.0./release_notes/release1.6/). Thank you all for your contributions and feedback! Please click here <https://dipy.org/documentation/1.6.0./api_changes/#dipy-1-6-0-changes> to check 1.6.0 API changes. Highlights of 1.6.0 release include: - NF: Unbiased groupwise linear bundle registration added. - NF: MAP+ constraints added. - Generalized PCA to less than 3 spatial dims. - Added positivity constraints to QTI. - New functionality to apply Symmetric Diffeomorphic Registration to points/streamlines. - New Human Connectome Project (HCP) data fetcher added. - New Healthy Brain Network (HBN) data fetcher added. - Multiple Workflows updated (DTIFlow, LPCAFlow, MPPCA) and added (RUMBAFlow). - Ability to handle VTP files. - Large codebase cleaning. - Large documentation update. - Closed 75 issues and merged 41 pull requests. To upgrade or install <http://dipy.org/release0.10.html> DIPY Run the following command in your terminal: <http://dipy.org/release0.10.html> pip install --upgrade dipy or conda install -c conda-forge dipy This version of DIPY depends on nibabel (3.0.0+). For visualization you need FURY (0.8.0+). Please support us by citing DIPY in your papers using the following DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2014.00008 <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24600385> Questions or suggestions? For any questions go to https://dipy.org, or send an e-mail to dipy@python.org <neuroimaging@python.org> We also have an instant messaging service and chat room available at https://gitter.im/dipy/dipy Finally, a new forum is available at https://github.com/dipy/dipy/discussions Have a wonderful time using the new version. On behalf of the DIPY developers, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Ariel Rokem, Serge Koudoro https://dipy.org/contributors
participants (1)
Eleftherios Garyfallidis