Hello and Happy 2025 to all !, We are excited to announce a new release of DIPY: DIPY 1.10.0 ! DIPY 1.10.0 (Friday, 12 December 2024) The release 1.10.0 received contributions from 28 developers (the full release notes are at: https://docs.dipy.org/stable/release_notes/release1.10.html). Thank you all for your contributions and feedback! Please click here <https://docs.dipy.org/stable/api_changes.html#dipy-1-10-0-changes> to check 1.10.0 API changes. Highlights of 1.10.0 release include: - NF: Patch2Self3 - Memory less denoising for dMRI is now available. - NF: Fiber density and spread from ODF using Bingham distributions method added. - NF: Iteratively reweighted least squares for robust fitting of diffusion models added. - NF: NDC - Neighboring DWI Correlation quality metric added. - NF: DAM - DWI-based tissue classification method added. - NF: New Parallel Backends (Ray, Joblib, Dask) for fitting reconstruction methods added. - RF: Deprecation of Tensorflow support. PyTorch support is now the default. - Transition to Keyword-only arguments (PEP 3102). - Zero-warnings policy (CIs, Compilation, doc generation) adopted. - Adoption of ruff for automatic style enforcement. - Transition to using f-strings. - Citation system updated. It is more uniform and robust. - Multiple Workflows updated. - Multiple DIPY Horizon features updated. - Large documentation update. - Closed 258 issues and merged 187 pull requests. To upgrade or install <http://dipy.org/release0.10.html> DIPY Run the following command in your terminal: <http://dipy.org/release0.10.html> pip install --upgrade dipy This version of DIPY depends on nibabel (3.0.0+). For visualization you need FURY (0.12.0+). Questions or suggestions? For any questions go to https://dipy.org, or send an e-mail to dipy@python.org We also have an instant messaging service and chat room available at https://gitter.im/dipy/dipy Finally, a new forum is available at https://github.com/dipy/dipy/discussions Have a wonderful time using the new version. In addition, registration for the online DIPY workshop 2025 (March 17-21) is open! The workshop will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to master the latest techniques and tools in structural and diffusion imaging. See the exquisite program and keynote speakers here <https://workshop.dipy.org>. Register today to save a spot! Please support us by citing DIPY in your papers using the following DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2014.00008 <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24600385> On behalf of the DIPY developers, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Ariel Rokem, Serge Koudoro https://dipy.org/contributors
participants (1)
Eleftherios Garyfallidis