Meeting November 16 (Monday) at 10:00 UTC

I would like to discuss evolutions of the C API in CPython. I propose to meet next monday (November 16) at 10:00 on Zoom:
Zoom URL: Meeting ID: 339 127 822 Password: 237729
I'm trying to "bend" the C API towards HPy, but I'm facing different issues. Other CPython core devs basically suggest that I leave the C API as it is: "developers will continue to use the old C API since it's not going to move away anytime soon" :-(
In my latest attempt, I proposed to add new functions which only use regular strong refs, don't steal references and avoid borrowed references:
For example, add PyTuple_GetItemRef() which returns a strong reference.
I also added "borrowed reference" and "strong reference" to the Python documentation glossary. I was surprised that there was no definition of that previously!
I also enhanced the Reference Counting documentation:
See also:
- PEP 620 "Hide implementation details from the C API" which is related:
- My notes on "bad C API":
See you monday!
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

We had quite a fun meeting on Monday. One of the outcomes was a decision to write a sort of manifesto explaining what we believe needs to change and explaining why. The idea is that this can help us spread the word in a polished, well articulated form and avoid us having to try explain all our thinking to every person involved in Python or C extension development (which would take more lifetimes than we have to spare).
I'm working on the manifesto at
Eventually this may move into the HPy documentation, but our intention during the meeting was to explain what we think needs to change, rather than to tie it to a particular solution (i.e. HPy) straight away.
Comments here or anywhere else welcome. I'd like to make this as good as we possibly can because the better it is, the more likely it will convince others / accurately convey our thinking.
Yours sincerely, Simon Cross

We had quite a fun meeting on Monday. One of the outcomes was a decision to write a sort of manifesto explaining what we believe needs to change and explaining why. The idea is that this can help us spread the word in a polished, well articulated form and avoid us having to try explain all our thinking to every person involved in Python or C extension development (which would take more lifetimes than we have to spare).
I'm working on the manifesto at
Eventually this may move into the HPy documentation, but our intention during the meeting was to explain what we think needs to change, rather than to tie it to a particular solution (i.e. HPy) straight away.
Comments here or anywhere else welcome. I'd like to make this as good as we possibly can because the better it is, the more likely it will convince others / accurately convey our thinking.
Yours sincerely, Simon Cross
participants (3)
Antonio Cuni
Simon Cross
Victor Stinner