We know you are welcoming 2018, armed with a list of resolutions. But do you know that more than 65% of people living in Rural India can't afford the luxury of committing to resolutions because ...

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We know you are welcoming 2018, armed with a list of resolutions. But do you know that more than 65% of people living in Rural India can't afford the luxury of committing to resolutions because they are still promising themselves they’ll survive one more day by fulfilling basic needs?

So, this year, we have taken a pledge to make a small contribution to improve the lives of people out there in small steps. After all, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Here is your chance to turn your groundbreaking ideas into action for lasting social change. Participate and build apps and solutions that will uplift the lives in rural and impoverished areas.

Resolve to become a better YOU; resolve to make a better INDIA. Participate in the Rural Development Hackathon.

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