Hello all,

We are delighted to announce that HydPy – Hyderabad Python user’s group [1] is happy host meetup for month of June, 2017.

We welcome and love contributions!

We are looking for proposals on every aspect of Python programming from novice to advanced levels.

If you are a Pythonista, doing some cool stuff using Python Programming Language in different fields, if you are an upstream OpenSource Python Developer, want to share your ideas to the world. Feel free to submit your proposals for HydPy June meetup.

Feel free to reply to this email with below mentioned details to submit your talks.

The last date of CFP is 18th June 2016.

If you have any queries, Feel free to ask on our official mailing list [2]

If you want to overview our past meetups [3]

We also welcome relevant posts on our Facebook page [4]


[1]. http://www.hydpy.org/
[2]. hydpy@python.org
[3]. https://www.meetup.com/Hyderabad-Python-Meetup-Group/
[4]. https://www.facebook.com/HydPy/


Prashant Jamkhande, HydPy
Users mailing list

Email: prashantjamkhande@gmail.com