Hi All, The next meetup from "Hyderabad Python User Group" [1] and "PyData Hyderabad Chapter" [2] is scheduled for 24th November 2018(Saturday). Please check the abstract on meetup link[3] and do RSVP so that we can make necessary arrangements. Title - Apache Spark For Machine Learning & Data Science Location - DBS, Gachibowli [4] Speaker - Ladle Patel [5] Do follow us on social media[6][7] for frequent updates and if you'd like to speak at HydPy meetups, please use this Google form[8] to submit your talk proposal. If you have any further questions/suggestions, please feel free to contact us at contact@hydpy.org or hydpy@python.org mailing list. [1] - https://www.meetup.com/Hyderabad-Python-Meetup-Group/ [2] - https://www.meetup.com/PyData-Hyderabad-Chapter/ [3] - http://meetu.ps/e/G0V8s/tw2m5/f [4] - https://goo.gl/maps/AG7ARs4ScS72 [5] - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ladlepatel/ [6] - https://www.facebook.com/HydPy/ [7] - https://twitter.com/HydPython/ [8] - https://goo.gl/1tKQET Thanks, Sanchit Team HydPy