Hello folks, I am Vipul, a fellow Pythonista from PyDelhi. From our last update, about organizing AzurePyday Mini Conf by Hyderbad Python user group and PyDelhi. We are so happy to announce the Call for proposals is now out for all you amazing Pythonistas. Folks are willing to share their insights and empower other Python developers all around you with the power of the cloud. You can find our announcement tweet here - https://twitter.com/PyDelhi/status/1271075272272408580?s=20 The event is on 28th June 2020 and will be held online. To submit a proposal, head on down to https://bit.ly/pyday2020cfp Please amplify this initiative by sharing it among your peer groups and colleagues who could be great speakers at our mini conf. We are looking forward to seeing all your proposals! Also, don't forget to RSVP for the event so we have a better count on folks attending the event on the following pages, meetup page of PyDelhi [1] and meetup page of HydPy [2] Thanks and looking forward to seeing you all! Best, Vipul Gupta Mixster <https://mixstersite.wordpress.com/2019/05/24/mixster/> | @vipulgupta2048 <https://twitter.com/vipulgupta2048> [1] - https://www.meetup.com/pydelhi/events/271164877/ [2] - https://www.meetup.com/HydPyGroup/events/271125338/