Hi All,

We are looking for Devsprint mentors for PyConf Hyderabad 2019 [1]. Devsprints will happen on 7th Dec at IIIT Hyderabad. To know about PyConf Hyderabad Devsprints please check this link [2]. If you are interested in mentoring for Devsprint, please submit a proposal by editing the GitHub wiki link [3]. Projects should be based primarily on Python but we are open to other open-source languages as well.

Please reach out to us here[4] if you want any more details.

[1] - https://pyconf.hydpy.org/2019/
[2]- https://github.com/HydPy/hydpyconf2019/wiki/PyConf-Hyderabad-2019-Devsprint
[3]- https://github.com/HydPy/hydpyconf2019/wiki/PyConf-Hyderabad-2019-Devsprint/_edit
[4]- contact@hydpy.org
