Hello Anand,

Thank you for showing up interest.

We are delighted to announce that HydPy – Hyderabad Python user’s group [1] is happy host meetup for month of June, 2017.

The last date of CFP is 18th June 2017. [...]

Awesome! But when is the meetup happening?

The mail is call for proposals (CFP). Folks who wish to contribute to this community with their knowledge and experience are requested to submit talks. And then we can go ahead and select one or two talks for June meetup.

We are planning to organize meetup by end of June, 2017. Venue and exact date/time are yet to be decided. Once talks are ready we will discuss with few venue sponsors and can decide accordingly.

I would also like community members to visit links mentioned in the mail for past meetups happened under flagship of HydPy [1]

We are also happy to hear more suggestions from you and entire community.


Prashant Jamkhande, HydPy
Users mailing list

Email: prashantjamkhande@gmail.com