[X-POST] Call For Proposals for DevSprints

Hi Everyone. PyCon India is a place for developers from across the country (and beyond) to get together and celebrate Python. But what good is a PyCon without getting your hands dirty writing some code? Hence, for all Open Source enthusiasts out there, the PyCon India team is happy to announce DevSprints @ PyCon India 2024. During DevSprints, mentors/contributors of OSS projects guide participants through the end-to-end process of OSS contribution, right from setting up build environments, to developing and testing code, to submitting patches for bugs. If you are stuck, mentors are all available to help you figure out issues and get you back up and running! From past experiences, we’ve seen a lot of people start off contributing to OSS through Devsprints and later go on to become regular contributors to various projects across the web. DevSprints for this edition of PyCon India will be conducted at Google Office, Bengaluru. The exact location and format on how it will be conducted will be communicated to the Mentors/Attendees close to the sprints. If you are a contributor or have been involved in the maintenance of any Open Source project, please come forward and add your project. This project can be any interesting Open source project which is based on Python. Ideally, you should have a history with the project through previous code commits. Your responsibility will be to help your team set up their development environment, list out beginner-friendly bugs, and guide them on any problems they face during the event. You can propose the project using junction[0]. If you've any doubts or thoughts regarding the above, please feel free to respond here or reach out to any of us on Zulip [1]. [0] https://in.pycon.org/cfp/devsprint-2024/proposals/ [1] https://pyconindia.zulipchat.com/ With Regards, Ashok Tankala From PyCon India 2024 Team
participants (1)
Ashok Tankala